Mission & Values

We envision a world with a healthy and resilient ocean where diverse marine life and human communities can thrive.

Our Mission

Catalyze effective and equitable large-scale protections of critical ocean ecosystems for the benefit of nature and people, thereby accelerating momentum towards the global goal of protecting 30% of the ocean by 2030.

Our Goal

Secure the effective conservation of 5% of the global ocean—18 million square kilometers—by 2027.

Above and below the ocean surface

© The Ocean Agency

Our Values


With the dual crises of climate change and unprecedented biodiversity loss, the global community must work together before it is too late.

We are taking bold action to protect our ocean — the engine of life on our planet — to preserve marine ecosystems and safeguard livelihoods and cultural heritage for generations to come. Motivated by a bold and urgent goal, we are committed to delivering powerful and durable impact at a planetary scale and accelerated pace. 


We build trusted and meaningful partnerships based on mutual respect and shared goals with a diverse coalition of governments, nonprofit organizations, Indigenous peoples, voyagers, practitioners, and scientists.

By bringing together the unique contributions and strengths of partners, we can accomplish more together than we could alone.


We follow the lead of local communities, practitioners, and scientists, recognizing their understanding of their place far exceeds our own.

We stand behind the work of local conservation champions, respecting their perspectives, worldviews, and experiences. We pledge to create and maintain an environment that honors diverse traditions, heritages, and experiences.  We acknowledge the power imbalances inherent in conservation, are mindful of the way those dynamics shape and permeate our work, and actively seek to prevent or redress inequities wherever possible. 


We seek outcomes with meaningful results that yield durable benefits for people and nature.

These impacts need to be measurable, withstand external review and political instability, and be transparent to our partners and other stakeholders. As individuals and a collective Alliance team, we stand behind both how we work and what we seek to accomplish with integrity and honesty.


Conservation is a journey, one with steps forward, steps back, and unexpected turns along the way.

The Alliance acknowledges that not all areas are at the same place in their conservation journey, and not all conservation measures or outcomes must be the same to be effective. As such, we prioritize tailored approaches that respond to each site’s specific challenges, needs, and goals, while ensuring the highest levels of ambition. The context of our work is fluid and will evolve over time. We will adapt our assumptions and course-correct to meet future realities.


Our Code of Conduct

We recognize that each place in which we work has special significance for local people and that the Blue Nature Alliance has a responsibility to promote solutions that generate benefits for both nature and people.

The Alliance’s Code of Conduct guides and facilitates the integration of social equity throughout our work.
