Code of Conduct

© Conservation International/photo John Martin

The Blue Nature Alliance is a global partnership catalyzing momentum for large-scale ocean conservation. We aim to advance the creation, expansion, or improved management of large ocean conservation areas that will include coastal ecosystems and open ocean areas that are of vital importance to people and nature. We recognize that each place in which we will work has special significance for local people and that the Blue Nature Alliance has a responsibility to promote solutions that generate benefits for both nature and the people.

The Blue Nature Alliance developed a Code of Conduct to guide and facilitate the integration of human dimensions into our activities.

The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to advance and promote collaborative and equitable conservation, enhance ecological outcomes, and ensure the durability of ocean conservation.

The Code of Conduct includes the following four overarching social principles and sub-principles as well as specific guidance for their implementation. In each place that we work, the Blue Nature Alliance will thoughtfully consider, take appropriate action, and support implementing partners to apply these social principles to the specific social, economic, cultural, and governance context.


Our Code of Conduct

We recognize that each place in which we work has special significance for local people and that the Blue Nature Alliance has a responsibility to promote solutions that generate benefits for both nature and the people.

The Alliance’s Code of Conduct guides and facilitates the integration of social equity throughout our work.


Blue Nature Alliance Social Principles

Recognize and respect the dignity and diversity of local people:

  1. Identify, characterize and consider all rights holders and stakeholders
  2. Acknowledge and respect historical, formal, and customary access rights and tenure
  3. Recognize, respect, and protect Indigenous and human rights
  4. Recognize and affirm sovereignty, autonomy, and self-determination
  5. Incorporate cultural institutions, practices, and knowledge systems
  6. Consider and integrate the worldviews, perspectives, and needs of diverse and marginalized groups, including different genders, ethnicities, and Indigenous groups

Employ and elevate participatory decision-making and good governance:

  1. Use and promote participatory decision-making processes and governance structures
  2. Support local leadership and capacity for engaging in decision-making and governance
  3. Communicate transparently all information, decisions, and intentions
  4. Employ due process and confirm free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC)
  5. Implement social safeguards and accountability mechanisms 6.Provide technical and financial support for the design and implementation of effective, equitable, and robust governance policies, institutions, and decision-making processes

Promote the equitable distribution of benefits and costs:

  1. Foster an approach to conservation that seeks to fairly distribute costs and benefits over time, across space and to different groups
  2. Identify, monitor, and adaptively manage social impacts to minimize harms and maximize benefits
  3. Cultivate opportunities that foster local benefits and human well-being

Champion collaborative and effective management of the marine environment:

  1. Advance and support the implementation of evidence-based, adaptive, and effective conservation and management actions
  2. Promote collaborative and locally-led planning and management
  3. Encourage and provide support for planning processes and management activities that are aligned with the local political, social and cultural context
  4. Encourage and support local participation, leadership, and capacity for management

The Code of Conduct is designed to be applied at every phase of our engagement with a site, starting with our initial scoping, to project design, and into the implementation stage with partners. We consider it a living document and plan to update it as we reflect, learn, and grow, bringing in new perspectives and understanding.