Our Approach

We are accelerating the pace, scale, and effectiveness of large-scale ocean conservation through partnership.

An aerial view of the seashore

The Earth’s oceans face significant pervasive threats, such as damaging fishing practices, habitat destruction, and pollution. In addition, climate change is altering marine ecosystems in ways we may not fully understand for decades.

In the face of these challenges, science tells us that at least 30% of coastal and marine areas must be protected by 2030 to maintain a functioning and resilient ocean. It took the world nearly half a century to establish protections for only 7.5% of the ocean, so the question is: How can we quadruple this coverage in under a decade?

The Blue Nature Alliance and our partners believe effective large-scale ocean conservation will be a critical part of the solution.

Since the world’s first large-scale marine protected area (the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park) was established in 1975, the approach has proliferated as an indispensable tool for sustaining healthy oceans.

Despite this momentum, progress still wasn’t happening at the at the speed and scale necessary. Guided by Our Values, the Blue Nature Alliance is working globally and in partnership to bend the curve and accelerate progress on the path to 30x30.

For more detailed information, please click here.

We will only achieve impact at the pace and scale needed if we collaborate, embrace, and align with others. Reach out to learn how we might work together.