Our Approach

We are accelerating the pace, scale, and effectiveness of large-scale ocean conservation through partnership.

An aerial view of the seashore

The Blue Nature Alliance forms partnerships based on trust and shared goals.

We provide a combination of technical expertise, access to a network of partners, and flexible financial resources for our site-based and global partners.

Site Selection Criteria

We work globally, in all ocean basins, from the coasts to the high seas and from the tropics to the poles. All potential site engagements are considered based on the following criteria:


Large ocean areas that are of vital importance to nature and people.


Ideas and opportunities that rapidly build momentum for durable protections, inspire innovative approaches, or push conservation to unprecedented new scales.

Political Will

Decision-making authorities or Indigenous communities have expressed a strong vision for ocean conservation; and these leaders are prepared to take action and partner to achieve this vision.

Local Champions

Local champions are ready to work with partners to drive towards impactful ocean conservation outcomes through engagement with their community.


Partners working together with clearly articulated outcomes and a high likelihood of success.


Presence of co-investment and/or match funding which may include government revenue, private sector donations, public funding, or other philanthropic giving.